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· A Canadian entrepreneur delivered reports for our students         · “The Double Represents” meeting was held smoothly         · The International Education College held the activities of introducing and explaining new courses         · The teachers of International Education College started the collective work of marking paper         · International Education College donated books to School library   
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A Canadian entrepreneur delivered reports for our students
2013-04-15   审核人:

A Canadian entrepreneur delivered reports for our students

On April 10th, the Canadian entrepreneur Joan Tanton was invited to give a very meaningful and vivid report on the challenges of international business in today's market environment and enterprises facing in the international market environment on the fifth floor of the Institute of International Education. The Dean of Institute of International Education College, Dr. Li Zhi as well as 11, 12 level counselor, Mr. Shen Erbo participated in the meeting. Firstly, Mr Li Zhi introduced Joan and its business background, and on behalf of all the teachers and students of International Education Institute showed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to him. Then, Joan introduced the development course of his business and his many years in the field of international business management, extensively exchanged with the students, and answered students about international trade and other related problems. Through this report, students truly understood the development of foreign enterprises, and had a deep understanding of the development of the enterprise when facing the problem. And they had a more emotional understanding in how to survive, how to manage, and how to develop when dealing with.the enterprise in the present international environment. What’s more important was that they made sure their own studying purpose and develop aim in the next period.

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