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The Thesis Oral Defense of the Graduates of the Year 2012 were completed successfully
2012-06-01   审核人:

The Thesis Oral Defense of the Graduates of the Year 2012 were completed successfully

On the May 30 and 31, the graduates of the year 2012 have thesis oral defense in the room 204, 205 and 206 in the college of International Education College. The committee is made by the college leaders and teachers. The graduates are grouped according to their majors. The graduates of International finance have the defense at 3 pm of 30th while the business management graduates at 3 pm of 30th and the 9 am on the 31st morning.

The graduates are fully prepared in accordance with the requirements and strictly abide by the respondent procedures. Thus, they have completed an important part of tasks before graduation.

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International Education College of University Kaifeng Tel:+86.0371-23810505.QQ:303540074
