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International Education College held activities about research teaching actively
2012-06-18   审核人:

International Education College held activities about research teaching actively

In the afternoon of 4th April, all teaching staffs of our college attend the meeting of research teaching activities in the room 406.Yuan Changzheng host the seminar meeting, who is director of the department of teaching research, all teachers and instructors attended. At first, three instructors introduce the foreign class situation of last week and this week, and reflect some questions about students’ problems in the foreign classes; then every teacher put forward thinking and ideas about foreign classes and students in classroom activities and reflects in the light of the listen to the foreign classes conditions. After that, all staffs going on instance discussion, stimulating many teaching inspiration, research teaching activity gets signification effects of teaching.

Our college practices weekly meeting and teaching research system, that is after college working meeting, going on teaching research activity in the afternoon each Thursday, all of teachers attend. teachers and instructors respectively put forward advice point to classroom teaching and students feedback, then seminar together, thus get far toward improve teachers level of teaching, at same time help students grasp appropriate studying methods, competing for get the best teaching effects.

(international education college Jiang Dashan)

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