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Institute of International Education held a mid-term teaching sessions
2012-06-18   审核人:

Institute of International Education held a mid-term teaching sessions

On the afternoon of May 10, the International Institute of Education all teachers in the teaching building of 303 classrooms in the School of International Education held a mid-term teaching session. The meeting was chaired by the Dean Li Zhi.

First of all, the Dean Li summed up the half of the teaching of the semester before the Institute of International Education, and then enter the weekly teaching and research activities discussed. Week discussion theme of "personnel training of program development. The Dean Li Zhi, objectives, modes, connotation, and architecture, as well as course design and description of personnel training system described contains the key elements of personnel training programs to develop. Finally, teachers were divided into two groups to discuss a personnel training program chain management professional and international economic and trade professionals.

Institute of International Education


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