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Trial Lectures of the New Term were Given in International Education College
2012-09-01   审核人:

Trial Lectures of the New Term were Given in International Education College

At the afternoon of Sept. 31, in the room 303 the trial lectures of the new term is given. All the teachers are present.

According to the requirements of university, teachers who give new courses in the new semester should give a lecture before the formal lectures. The trial lectures are "Business Planning", "International Business" and "Business Communication". And the teachers are LiuGuandong, Sun Chao and YangYun.

It is consisted of two parts which are the teaching plan and trial lecture of each teacher’s lecture. After the lecture, the teachers who observe make comments on the lecture of three teachers, point out its advantages and disadvantages, and then start the discussion around the course with nature and characteristics of the pedagogy of the course.

The event is also in accordance with the requirements that pay close attention to the quality of teaching which made by the university leaders in a meeting. Such a lecture and seminar activity will not only help instructors improve their teaching methods, improve teaching efficiency, but also to expand the teachers teaching ideas, learn from each other, enhance their teaching literacy to adapt to the new developments of the university.

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International Education College of University Kaifeng Tel:+86.0371-23810505.QQ:303540074
