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Specialty Training Activities of the International Education College - English Simulated Business Fa
2012-10-29   审核人:

Specialty Training Activities of the International Education College - English Simulated Business Fair

On the afternoon of October 26, 2012, a special events - simulated business fair is carried out in the lecture hall on the fifth floor by the students of the year 2010 of the International Education College who majored in Business Management and organized by the foreign teachers.

The students are divided into several groups. They display the exhibition goods on the table. For example, girls exhibit nail polish goods, small accessories, cosmetics and so on. Boys exhibit mobile phones, watches, lighters and other goods.

Students perform actively in the fair. They compare to each other with the goods of their group and other groups. The fair is in a warm atmosphere and orderly. The scores of the groups are given by foreign teachers, Dean Li Zhi and several other Chinese teachers.

Students have benefited a lot from the trade fair that they can have a clear mind of business fairs. The training activity is a small exercise for students. This experience will be beneficial for their future career.

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