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· A Canadian entrepreneur delivered reports for our students         · “The Double Represents” meeting was held smoothly         · The International Education College held the activities of introducing and explaining new courses         · The teachers of International Education College started the collective work of marking paper         · International Education College donated books to School library   
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Welcome romantic girls’ festival, show girls’ style
2013-03-12   审核人:

Welcome romantic girls’ festival, show girls’ style

--Girls Day speech contest

In order to enrich students' school life, get more attention of girl’s festival, our school organized a series of special activities to welcome romantic girl’s festival, show girls’ style.

In the evening of 11th March 2013, the international education department carried out the girl’s speech contest. The atmosphere is warm, stressed the importance of today’s era of women, paid tribute to the charisma of the female students, to better show the style of Kaifeng University students. Through this activity it enhanced feelings and activated atmosphere between everyone.

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International Education College of University Kaifeng Tel:+86.0371-23810505.QQ:303540074
