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The fundamental life - integrity
2013-03-22   审核人:

The fundamental life - integrity

--The fourth week of the theme group meeting

On Thursday, 21st March 2013, the department of International Education organized a theme meeting called" the fundamental life - faith”.

After singing the routinely group song, students discuss the importance of the integrity of their own, to society, to the country.

The group meeting started from sides, the important role of faith and the consequences of the lack of good faith and honest attitude. The moderator asked views on the subject or the integrity of the experience, students enthusiastically discussed. On the integrity of life, to do things, there has been a deeper understanding, and refinement to the major. From the perspective of their own professional business, integrity has a very important role in the market economy, it would increase the risk and difficulty of the transaction if the lack of good faith. In today's society, integrity should be a person must have an important quality.

After this group meeting, students learned more about the value of integrity.

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